Complete support through COVID-19 and beyond

Remote Preneed with Precoa will help you continue serving families safely
See Remote Preneed

In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, what should be done about preneed?

Some believe a remote solution comes down to gathering a digital signature or setting up a Zoom account, but we have created something much more substantial for our partners. Integrated into our proven ProActive model, Remote Preneed was designed with the utmost sensitivity, kindness, and craftsmanship. We believe our partners deserve the kind of support today that will continue helping them thrive well after the crisis is over.

As we navigate this crisis together, Precoa’s top priorities are to:

  • Safely connect with families who want to preplan
  • Provide your advance planners with opportunities
  • Ensure your preneed remains strong during the crisis and beyond

Remote Preneed

A solution for today to carry you through tomorrow
Phone consultation appointments
Advance funeral planners can now connect with families over the phone and through video conferencing software, delivering presentations optimized for remote appointments.
Digital sales kits
Personalized for your funeral home so that planners can present essential forms along with detailed service and merchandise options, digital sales kits are designed to be effective for phone appointments whether or not planners are able to share their screens.
Remote signing
We worked closely with our insurance partners to develop a voice authorization process so that planners and families can literally stay on the same page. No need for families to switch devices or interrupt the momentum of the presentation to fund policies.
The very best training
Drawing from what we have learned from remote appointments taking place across the country, our field managers provide the guidance and personalized coaching to help advance funeral planners improve and refine their talents.
Fully integrated remote preneed
ProActive Preneed® was crafted to be a complete preneed solution. With Remote Preneed integrated into our model, everything works together—carefully managed marketing, a sensitive sales approach, and the highest quality experience for families who express a desire to preplan.
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What our partners and AFPs are saying

Precoa has continued to demonstrate that they are a true partner. The support they have offered during this crisis shows how deeply they care about the success of our funeral home.

- Scott Sytsema | Sytsema Funeral and Cremation Services

Precoa has managed to respond to the crisis without losing even a fraction of their quality. I know that the families in my community are in great hands.

- Bob Foard | R.T. Foard Funeral Home

At first I was concerned about how I was going to get families to receive what I was saying over the phone, but I can’t say enough about how much I appreciate the training we’ve received. Precoa has done an awesome job of helping us along.

- Kristy Jones, Field Sales | McMullen Funeral Home and Crematory

I’m going to make this work, I thought, and as soon as I saw everything Precoa was working on, I started to get really excited. In the long run, as we dedicate more time to building ourselves and becoming better craftsmen over the phone, it will better translate to in-person appointments as soon as they are possible again.

- Logan Stark, Field Sales | Chapel of the Light

Field Operations & Training Icon

Field Operations & Training

PCA Icon

Phone Consultation

Remote Sales Process Icon

Sales Process

Adapted Lead Generation Icon

Adapted Lead Generation

Corporate Operations Icon


State By State Icon

State by State

Our COVID Response Teams are committed to finding solutions

Working to solve the challenges facing our funeral home partners, advance funeral planners, and the families they serve, these teams are crafting effective and lasting solutions.
Michael Hornibrook

A message from Precoa President, Michael Hornibrook

We cannot fully express the depth of appreciation we have for our funeral home partners. They are bearing the strain and hardship of serving families in a time of increased anxiety and uncertainty, but we are strengthened and helped by one another. Our partners deserve our complete support. One of our core values is craftsmanship, which we believe is refined not in times of ease but in times of challenge. Our current constraints will continue to inspire us, challenge us, and push us to new heights of innovation. We will learn more about ourselves and our abilities in the coming months, and we will overcome this challenge together and be stronger for it. When you succeed, we succeed.

Michael Hornibrook Signature
Michael Hornibrook
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Messages to our Precoa Family

Advance Funeral Planners

Our Partners

Precoa Team